Having trouble reaching an agreement? Our office is committed to solving divorce and custody problems by agreement where possible. An attorney will meet with both of you to help you find common ground for agreement. If you reach agreement, our office will write the agreement for the single fee we charge our other uncontested family law clients. Missouri Supreme Court Rules prevent us from filing agreements reached by mediation, but we will provide you with legal document and instructions so that you may easily file on your own. We offer mediation packages that will help you reach an agreement for your family law issues. Each mediation session comes with easy to use forms to help you both figure out your common ground for agreement.
Divorces with Children: 3 meetings lasting up to 2 hours each. $2,000.00
Divorces without children: 2 meetings lasting up to 2 hours each. $1,000.00
Custody and Child Support: 2 meetings lasting up to 2 hours each. $1,000.00
Child Support: 1 meeting $750.00 Includes
Child Support: 1 meeting lasting up to 2 hours. 850.00. Includes filing agreement with Court, if an agreement made.
When you get an agreement, we can also help you get it to a judge. To learn more click here.